January 18, 2014

Text Narrative 'Sheeper'

Once upon time, there live a sheep. Of course with another animal too. The sheep really be loved by another animal, because he was very cheerful and so marvellous thats can make another around him will felt the same. The sheep named Sheeper,  he have shining fleece,  and he good at dancing with his agile leg.  Everyone love his dance, everyone love him, and himself also felt like that, Sheep really proud of himself. Everyday he live proudly, everyday he stepped boldly, and dance so cheerful, for himself and everyone around him.

But one day in may, comes a truck. Suddenly turn out a hand pulling Sheeper into the truck and bring him to somewhere. The truk not bring him to happiness, but to the sadness for him. He come back without fleece, he come back being a stranger. Now he havent a shining fleece anymore and make Sheeper loss his cheerful spirit. Another animal getting mocking him again and again because he is a pink sheep without fleece. Sheeper felt frustation, like his soul was fly out from his body. Now thats weak sheep just sit down slumped. He was loss everything he have, now he dont know what must to do. He really feeling down, he cryout. Immediately come a storm with hurricane, like the storm will accompany him in sadness.

Finally the storm was end, and a shining light spot arise between the storm cloud. That light up someone in the far distance. That is rabbit, a tactful rabbit that jump with exalted. When the rabbit trough, he saw Sheeper that was muse full of sadness.

With tact attitude, the rabbit try to talk with him. “The storm will end, and the sun almost rising back. Lets out from your haven. Scenery after rain is the most beautiful view ever and very fresh”. But Sheeper still keep silent. The rabbit ask again “Did you have any problem?”. The rabbit just realize thats sheep not have a fleece anymore, “Sorry. But, not have a fleece really a big problem for you? I know its indeed difficult, but dont being too sad like that dude”.
Finally Sheeper reply the rabbit “Thats not as easy as you said” “Then, how difficult?” “Its really embarrassed me as you know! I loss my beautiful fleece, i cant have a happy life anymore. Cant stride with brave, and cant dance powerful anymore. Now i just a sheep with pink skin, and everyone always mocking me. Its really awful sucks much”

The rabbit try to improve everything to being better “Whether if you keep in the blues and cry evertime, your fleece will back in a while? Of course not right?” “Nothing i can do, i just will standing still like this till my fleece back. Ohh im really missed when i can dance happily”. The rabbit speak cheer on “Dont think if you loss just one a happiness thing, thats can make you loss everything. You not loss everything. You just loss your fleece thats can be grown again, and your confidence is in your control. You still can do that, just dance with your agile leg, keep dance with your leg. Just dont care with all mocking, remember you still have the sun, the moon, and many star in the sky thats accompany you in this life. Dancing under the sunlight and you will be shining.. dancing under the moonlight and you will be star between other beautiful star.. just dance dude, just dance. Dont give up”. The rabbit was too long been there, he must hurried to continue his journey. The rabbit leave Sheeper slowly but tactful.

After the rabbit wasnt seen anymore, Sheeper speak himself “Dancing under the sunlight and you will be shining, dancing under the moonlight and you will be star between other beautiful star. Whether thats right? He is right! Im indeed not have my fleece anymore, but i still have my agile leg”.The daylight will immediately end, but Sheeper wont throw his spirit that just come up vainly. He try to dancing, stomping and stomping again his leg and jump somewhile. Sunset comes, but not a problem for him, because the moon and stars will come quickly.Twilight sky become backgroud a for his dance and birds singing chirp being the music. Finally Sheeper get back his happiness. He dont care with animals thats look at him, he just enjoyed his stomping rhythm. The  night is come and sheep keep dance and dance with cheerful. Now Sheeper was dancing in the moonlight, he dancing with his head looked up saw the night sky. There was so many stars flickering. Saw that clearly make him felt was dancing in the sky between the stars. Tonight im a star.. whisper Sheep, with big smile in his face.

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