March 02, 2013

Text Procedure 'How To Make Doll Bottle'

How To Make Doll Bottle

Probably junk like this bottle was useless for us and just a wreck, but if we modify it a little bottle is going to be very beautiful and certainly worthwhile. One of which is to make this bottle a versatile doll, this doll is the first purpose is as a place small items, usually small items that are most precious to us, we can store accessories, jewelry, money, and goods other than as a container stuffed bottles can be used as decoration because of its unique and beautiful can beautify your room decor. Of course you all want to try to make a doll's bottle at home right, well then we'll explain how to make a doll's bottle.
1. A pair of bottles or more
2. The paint is a plastic that is impervious to paint walls
3. brush
4. Small eyes
5. zippers
6. Cutter
7. Decorate the doll. Like the clothes, eyes, nose, mouth, etc.

How to manufacture:
1. Prepare a pair of bottle
2. Cut off the bottom of the bottle with a serrated cutter
3. Paint the bottle should use white paint as a base color for drawing
4. Do not forget to leave a few centimeters to not stained, to put zippers
5. Then mark with a marker or anything to make the distance in tailoring reseleting approximately the distance of 1-2 cm
6. Kemudain sewing zippers into the bottle using a needle and sewing thread that has been marked in accordance
7. Then give the image according to your desired character dolls
8. Once completed we then draw the desired paint color match
9. Then give booster like the penguin ornament plus a scarf, then added eyes, nose mouth ear plus according to the character

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